Monday, October 17, 2016

Flow of Blood in our Body

Flow of Blood in our Body ( 4th October,2016)
Learning with theoretical aspects would mean only half the distance travelled and practical aspects learning can only add essence into learning. An audiovisual /video based lesson can dramatically transforms a passive class room into a virtual reality. Student can understand better the concept and essence of a lesson and whole learning becomes very interesting.
Thus, I decided to teach a science lesson using a video on a topicFlow of Blood in our Body” for grade six during the substitution period. I prepared the lesson as part of my ICT assignment and was waiting to teach the lesson and experience its relevancy and effectiveness.   The students were taken to the IT laboratory and presented the lesson through OHP to them.  The students displayed keenness and eagerness to learn the lesson in different way. The video was played for three times and distributed the worksheets accordingly. 

Students watched the video in the first round, they labelled the parts of human circulatory system in the second round and answered the questions in the third round. Then they were asked to check the worksheet by going through their text book. It was good to hear from the students that they enjoyed learning the lesson differently that boosted their learning meaningfully. The video lesson not only heightened interest for learning but also supported the visual learners.
The students were actively involved throughout the lesson and were also inspired to be responsible for their own learning. The concept was vibrant after they saw they “flow of blood in our body’ like in reality as equated to when imparted the same lesson without using ICT. Using ICT through different peripherals and strategies supports teaching effectively but correspondingly reduces burden to the teacher.

Preparation phase is the most vital since the better is the preparation phase so is its implementation. The outcome can have an everlasting impact in the understanding of a student that can attribute to paving of future. Lastly, I would like to urge every teacher to use the ICT into teaching and learning since its use makes the students actively engaged and enhance effective learning.

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