Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Using online images in classroom teaching

Using images in science class ( 14th October,2016)

Learning becomes just a partial with the restricted materials that are being provided in the text book. The evidence about fishes in the science text book is insufficient and imprecise for class V students. If the teachers just limit themselves  to imparting the bare information from the text book , doubtless, it will be inadequate. The learners of today are curious and full of excitements to learn outside beyond prescribed books. Accordingly, I decided to use some of the impressive images of different kinds of fishes that are available through the internet service.
These images were downloaded and saved in the smart phone which were later on used in classroom teaching during the follow up phase of the lesson. Students were delighted to see the images as it made them to understand about the different fishes evidently (color, features, size.). It also aided them to grow an awareness that smart phone can be used purposefully in learning or for educational use.
Using ICT makes the students further involved thereby increasing efficiency of learning and also makes teacher’s work easier. Correspondingly, ICT promotes reflective learning in students on what and how they have learnt. Furthermore, ICT usage shall also increase students’ self-assurance and enthusiasm by creating learning environment more pleasing and considered more as fun rather than simply as systematic monotonous instructions. Thus, students’ active participation in the learning activities alter their attitudes to take greater responsibility for their own learning. Using ICT will enhance students in emerging a habit of independent and effective learning.
For instance, few students were interested to google search and bring the printout Images of different fishes for the classroom display on the following day that will benefit the whole class. Hence, It is also confirmed that many students found learning in a technology-enhanced setting more stimulating and much better than in a traditional classroom environment (Pedretti and Mayer-Smith 1998).

1 comment:

  1. WOW! your another successful ICT story. By now you are perfect ICT teacher and children are already in the ICT world. Keep going......
